Your Preventive Care Manager in a Box

Carespan aligns patients, providers, and payers to achieve healthcare's goal of proactive, preventive care. Our automated and integrated system uniquely removes financial, time, and engagement barriers to delivering proactive care.

See How it Works

Our Paradigm of Patient Care

Preventive care should not be limited by reimbursement models or time wasted collecting data.
Carespan helps providers automate data collection and administrative tasks to spend
more time with patients and improve reimbursements. We align providers who want to practice the art
of medicine, payers who want to avoid care gap penalties, and patients who want to live their healthiest lives.

Surveil Patients Remotely

Our integrated solution helps providers surveil patient care gaps and vitals data to bring patients in before things go wrong.

Conduct Guided

Our algorithms automate administrative tasks, decreasing documentation time and increasing reimbursements.

Improve Patient and Financial Outcomes

Our network of integrations and predictive algorithms help providers fulfill the goals of value-based care without compromises.

Working with Pela Health has given me a clear vision into my patients' health when I am not there! Patients and staffers are extremely satisfied.
DaMonica Cannon, FNP
Geriatrics Provider

Our Turnkey Solution

Pela Health's process to improve preventive care workflows.

Reach out to us any time!

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